Adsense Indonesia
Posted by alf on 9:47 PM
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Cara memasang (memakai) kondom wanitaKondom wanita adalah kondomyang dirancang
khusus untuk digunakan oleh perempuan yang berbentuk tabung silinder yang dimasukkan ke dalam alat kelamin atau vaginaKondom khusus kaum perempuan tersebut memiliki dua ujung di mana ujung yang satu yang dimasukkan ke arah rahim tertutup dengan busa untuk menyerap sperma dan ujung yang lain ke arah luar terbuka.

Bahan kondom terbuat dari polyurethane atau latex dengan dua buah cincin pada masing-masing ujungnya yang berfungsi sebagai rangka. Agar tidak terasa sakit sebaiknya si cewek saja yang memakaikan kondom untuk dirinya sendiri, sedangkan yang pria melihat saja. Kondom wanita memiliki desain yang pas untuk bentuk organ vital perempuan yang konon lebih enak dipakai daripada kondomlaki-laki. Kondom ini memiliki panjang 17-an cm dan diameter 6 hingga 7 cm.

Harga kondom perempuan ini memang jauh lebih mahal dibanding kondom lelaki yang bisa berkali-kali lipat. Walaupun demikian kondom ini tidak bisa menjamin aman digunakan dan anti robek 100% karena bisa saja sobek jika salah dalam penggunaan, kesalahan produksi pabrik, kadaluarsa, dan lain sebagainya. Semakin banyak pilihan maka semakin sulit pula untuk mengatakan tidak padakondomKondom kini tidak hanya digunakan untuk pasangan pranikah saja, namun juga oleh pasangan yang resmi menikah untuk mencari alternatif dan sensasi yang berbeda.

Kondom cewek ini bisa digunakan untuk berbagai situasi dan kondisi dalam berhubungan seks / badan / intim / suami isteri baik dalam keadaan menstruasi atau datang bulan dan menyusui atau baru melahirkan. Namun jangan sekali-kali digunakan pada wanita yang masih perawan atau gadis karena akan sangat menyakitkan karena akan merusak selaput dara kegadisan si wanita tersebut.

Cara pasang / memakai / menggunakan kondom wanita :

1. Ujung yang tertutup di bentuk lonjong pipih atau bisa juga angka delapan dengan salah satu jari-jari tangan.



2. Tangan yang lain membuka bibir vagina dan yang memegang ujung kondomyang tertutup memasukkan ke dalam lubang vagina.


3. Setelah cincin masuk ke dalam vagina, tangan yang satu memasukkan jari ke dalam kondom untuk mendorong agar kondom bisa masuk seluruhnya. Usahakan cincin yang di dalam menghadap langsung ke arah mulut rahim.


4. Rapihkan cincin bagian luar yang terbuka di bibir vagina. Kondom siap dipakai untuk berhubungan badan suami istri. Selamat menikmati.menjelma




5. Untuk melepasnya tinggal dicabut pelan-pelan dan lapisan bagian cincin yang luar dipencet agar sperma tidak berantakan kemana-mana.menjelma


. http://realitycentre.blogspot.com/2010/11/cara-memasang-kondom-wanita.html

Posted by alf on 11:12 PM

"Marhaban Ya Ramadhan"

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan - Selamat Datang Bulan Ramadhan

Do'a Malaikat Jibril adalah sbb:

"Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad,
apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:

- Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
- Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami istri;
- Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.

Maka Rasulullahpun mengatakan amiin sebanyak 3 kali.
Dapat kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah
dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jum'at.

Tanpa Disadari

11 bulan
banyak kata sudah diucapkan dan dilontarkan
tak semua menyejukkan,

11 bulan
banyak perilaku yang sudah dibuat dan diciptakan
tak semua menyenangkan,

11 bulan
banyak keluhan, kebencian, kebohongan
menjadi bagian dari diri,

saatnya istirahat dalam "perjalanan dunia"
saatnya membersihkan jiwa yang berjelaga,
saatnya menikmati indahnya kemurahanNya
saatnya memahami makna pensucian diri

Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa
bersama kita leburkan kekhilafan,

Semoga dengan puasa mempertemukan kita
dengan Keagungan Lailatul Qadar
dan kita semua menjadi pilihanNya
untuk dikabulkan do'a - do'a
dan kembali menjadi fitrah


Posted by alf on 11:16 AM
Posted by alf on 4:46 PM

SeoQuake for Internet Explorer preferences
Working in search optimization, the most of experts need to really fast define sites search parameters to see their competitive characteristics and promotion specificity. One of the ways to solve this problem - is extensions or toolbars, built in browsers. Recently on the search optimization market was issued a new unique product - seo toolbar Seoquake IE, allowing Internet Explorer users to define necessary parameters of analyzed sites on the fly.
For today Microsoft's Internet Explorer is one of the most popular browsers. According to statistics, more than 50-60 % of users in the different countries prefer this. In the most of countries the second on popularity is FireFox from Mozilla, wined a significant market share by its active marketing policy. One of these policy sides is the positive attitude of FireFox producers to add-ons (or extensions) creators. This browser has the open code and its producers officially support developers of additional software, including them in recommendation list.
Unlike FF, Internet Explorer has closed code and Microsoft has not such marketing policy, directed on add-ons developers support. In this case, many developers face with hard dilemma: to try to work with complicated software product, not receiving the help and also trying to bypass an obstacle, or to not contact it, but lose a significant market share.
Reasoning from that now in the market are presented nearby 10-15 seo extensions for FF and only nearby 5 quite simple seo toolbars for IE, the majority of market participants nevertheless does not dare to seriously devote itself in programming in so difficult situation.
Recently in the market has appeared new toolbar for seo experts, created for Internet Explorer browser. It is the Seoquake IE toolbar from Seoquake team developers. It was created by analogy with already existing, and popular seo extension Seoquake FF, and now the functions accessible to users FireFox, also easily accessible to all seo experts, preferring to work with Internet Explorer.
In the seo market two basic competitors Seoquake IE are now presented. There are Seoinc and Rankquest. This browser add-ons allow experts to define search parameters of a site, to use the multisearch function, etc. (Rankquest is add-on more likely not only for search optimization, but also search marketing as a whole, offering validation tools, definitions of keywords popularity for systems of contextual advertising, etc.) However their search opportunities considerably lose in comparison with new add-on from Seoquake team. Seoquake IE toolbar is adjusted both on beginners and on advanced seo experts and it is completely castomized product, allowing using individual tunings. In it there is an opportunity of instant definition almost all necessary parameters for the seo expert for carrying out of qualitative and professional audit of any site. I want to underline an opportunity of Seoquake in working with search delivery, and defining search parameters of sites directly on search systems pages. For advanced seo experts, by analogy with FF extension is the opportunity of writing its own parameters and even plug-ins for toolbar (available plugins for del.ico.us, TechnoRati, Baidu and others).

Posted by alf on 1:35 AM

Do you know children affected with autism find it difficult to communicate and to become socialized? There are two notions about the existence of autism. One thought is that autism is due to a bio-chemical imbalance, and the other notion is it is a psychological disorder. The autism-affected children seldom communicate with others except to fulfill their needs.

Autism spectrum disorders can be called an umbrella term since it covers classic autism, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), and Asperger's syndrome. Autism can be termed a spectrum disorder as the intensity and the number of the symptoms of autism differs from person to person. Autism causes impairments in the people in three areas: social relationships, communication, and restricted patterns of behavior. The spectrum of autism can be classified as severely affected, less able, and dependent on others. This also includes persons with above-average intelligence and independence, but lacking social skills.

Autism sufferers lack a proper response to social and environmental stimulations. The affected child would be in a separate world. The child's communication will be very minimal and he will not be able to communicate his emotions and feelings properly.

Malabsorption is the most common problem noticed in autism. Autism sufferers experience structural compromise and chronic gastric inflammation in the digestive tract. The intestinal absorption is delayed due to intestinal inflammation. The specific symptoms of autism are restricted behaviors and interests and this is even seen towards the food choices. Self-limited and restricted diets are highly noticed in the autism condition, which may cause deficiency in one or more essential nutrients.

The commonly occurring deficiencies in the children suffering from autism are Vitamin-A, Sulfate deficiency, calcium deficiency, B12 deficiency, High copper: zinc ratio, etc.

There are numerous treatments available to cure the autism condition in children. Initially, nutritional supplements are offered to the child suffering from autism. This might be followed by behavioral training. In general Vitamin B12 is given as a supplement. The behavioral change noticed in autism can be improved by giving suitable educational therapies, where the child is motivated to give good response to the environmental and social changes promptly.

Although it is easy to say that educational therapy is good for autism patients, the children found difficult in learning the task, and they will intercept the process and show aggressive behavior to other people to avoid learning any new task.

In order to improve the autism behaviors, Magnesium in the form of injections are given to the autism sufferers. Within 2-4 weeks of administration of Vitamin-B12, autism behaviors can be reduced within 2 to 4 weeks. It can take more than 3 months for some children to respond with Vitamin-B12. The autism child with speech problems can be treated with Dimethylglycine (DMG) for better results. DMG will improve the immune system of one's own body. Moreover, this improves frustration tolerance and eye contact.

For negative attention-seeking behaviors of autism, it is advisable to eliminate the behavior by giving attention to desired behavior rather than the negative behavior.

Posted by alf on 1:25 AM

If you have experienced a Windows "No Audio Device" error, it most likely means that your sound card is not installed properly. Even though other problems can cause this error, an improperly installed sound card is the most common reason. If the audio card isn't properly connected in the motherboard or you do not have an audio controller connected, you will get this error. Also, it is possible that the device you are trying to use is not compatible to the motherboard you are using.
Troubleshooting the most common error
Here are a few steps to take to solve the most common error, an improperly installed card:
You will first need to find your audio controlling device or controller. This controller is what gives you the ability to adjust the sound for everything. From your start menu, go to your control panel. Then, go to add hardware and search for the hardware yourself. Don't let the computer search for it automatically, because if it is improperly installed it may not be seen. Then, scroll down to sound devices and search for your audio controller. Check the properties of the device, and see if it is installed properly. If it isn't installed properly you will see a yellow highlighted question mark beside the device's name The best way to solve this problem is to uninstall your sound card and drivers. You will reboot, enter the bios, disable the onboard audio, game port, and midi. Then boot back into windows, go to add remove programs and make sure that any programs for the device was removed.
Next, you should reinstall the sound card and drivers. It is possible driver updates have been made since the sound card was manufactured and released, so it is a good idea to visit the manufacturer's site and see if there are driver updates. Once you do this, restart the computer again. The problem is (more than likely) the default device in audio properties is still the onboard, you can select the creative devices and it will probably work, but it will be better to disable the onboard all together.
Uninstalling and reinstalling the sound card will more than likely fix your problem.
Other troubleshooting tips
If you are still experiencing difficulties, try these other troubleshooting ideas.  If you think your sound card may be 'dead', before buying a new one, I would recommend borrowing one that is fully functioning from a friend, if possible, and installing that one to see if the error is in the card itself.
Try using a different PCi slot, that way windows may detect it as new instead of trying to reconfigure it on the slots its currently on. This can also help you to determine whether one of the slots are bad.If you have an onboard sound card but are trying to use a sound card you bought separately, ensure the onboard one is disabled.
Always ensure the sound card you purchase is compatible with your board. If it doesn't say on the packaging, do a little research online prior to the purchase

Posted by alf on 2:16 AM

When was the last time your computer or the internet or life for that matter was working too good? Never right? My point is that we stop being successful in anything that we do if we sit back and let things come to us. There is no secret way to have success without working for it. The work is to always be improving. So what does this have to do with computers and memory upgrade?

Well for one thing life in general is getting more and more to be computer run. If you don't update your technology or do memory upgrade fast enough you can be in the "dark ages," before you notice. Even personal computers have large hard drives and very fast processor speeds, and it is making a huge difference in the productivity of people in this day and age. Whether you are a internet shopper, or a database guru, or a writer, or gamer, or researcher, the tools that you have with computers are essential to doing the amount of work that you are able to do.

So how do you improve your productivity? Well there are three basic ways that come to mind: 1) buy the latest and greatest computer on the market to get all of the newest technologies, 2) you can make sure a virus isn't causing problems, 3) memory upgrade -- go out and buy extra memory and either put it yourself for free (not recommended) or let an expert do it, or 4) you can buy software that can analyze your computer make suggestions, changes, repairs, etc. in order to increase efficiency. It is this last method that I want to talk about more.

Basically efficiency software is the best overall option for several reasons. First it is cheaper than buying all new equipment or even buying extra memory cards (especially if you are having someone install them for you). This kind of "memory upgrade"--that is buying efficiency software--is also a heck of a lot easier. Basically if you can put a CD into a CD-drive you can run this software. It automatically searches and analyze your entire system and it does all this fast. It also stays on your computer and suggests things to increase efficiency in your every day operations. It really is like hiring your own 24-7 support tech. It allows you to avoid all the hassles of going out and buying another system, then setting it all up the way you want it and need it, then transferring all of your valuable information to it, and on and on. You don't have to learn how to build a computer and find out where the memory cards go. You don't have to risk zapping a motherboard with a simple thing like static electricity. Take it from me, it saves you a lot of time and hassle.

So if this alternative to memory upgrade sounds good to you, you should do a search either for memory upgrade or for efficiency software. There is a wealth of information waiting for you to learn and to make the correct decision in this battle against time we call productivity


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